Offroading Motherhood Blog


5 Unconventional Reasons to Home Educate! home educating mental health new to home ed Aug 22, 2024

I am going to share with you the honest truth about the dialogue that went through my head as I started thinking about home education as a viable option and the limiting beliefs I had to overcome in order to allow them to be valid reasons. 

1. 'I don't want to do the school run...'


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Books that have Transformed my Home Education Mindset alternative education empowerment home educating self growth Aug 09, 2024

Empowering Your Home Education Journey: Must-Read Books for Every Educator

I solidly believe that embarking on the journey of home education begins with the reshaping our of mindset. If you were sent to any public or private school in the UK, chances are your entire way of being - everything you...

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Breaking Free from the School System's Grip: Redefining Our Beliefs and Habits Aug 07, 2024

Breaking Free from the School System's Grip: Redefining Our Beliefs and Habits

One of the things I was shocked by when I started home education was that so much of the life I was living day to day had been informed by my school life. I realised as time went on how intentional that is sadly and...

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Am I ALLOWED to home educate my kids? - Your Rights. empowerment happiness home educating new to home ed Jul 27, 2024

I was sat having a think the other day about all the things I felt back when I was sending an email to the local authority to turn down my kid's school place as I begin my 'countdown to deregistration' series over on TikTok. I didn't have to de-register my son from a school but I did have to send...

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8 POSITIVE reasons people are choosing to home educate their kids Jun 18, 2024

The society we live in today LOVES a scandal and the mass exodus of schools by parent's waking up to their own freedom is making government and society alike freak out. The heavy propaganda around home education is being whipped into a frenzy - that home educating parents are 'pushy' or...

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5 things you ACTUALLY need to consider when choosing to home educate your kids about you happiness home educating mental health self growth Jun 18, 2024

This is not going to be like the other articles you have read. I am not about to tell you how to make sure your kids are socialised, keep up with their maths, or how to achieve top exam results, ensure your kids get married and live in eternal happiness. We aren't talking myths or how to...

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In their own little world: make believe play and its place in Home Education. alternative education home educating neurodivergence self growth Jun 12, 2024

As a home education mentor, I work with parents who are navigating the beautiful, yet challenging journey of educating their children at home. One of the most enriching aspects of this journey is watching children immerse themselves in make believe play for year well beyond where it would be...

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Learning for Learning's Sake Feb 04, 2024

When it comes to our home education style, we ultimately are working towards unschooling - whereby their priorities matter and we support them entirely in building whatever skills make sense to them.

However, I had noticed recently a bit of stress creeping in about my son's interest in minecraft....

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The Waldorf/Steiner Home Education Approach: Nurturing Holistic Development Oct 03, 2023

In the world of education, there exists a unique and time-tested approach that places emphasis on nurturing children's intellectual, artistic, and practical skills, while fostering a deep connection to the natural world and the self. This approach is known as the Waldorf/Steiner home education...

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Home Educational Freedom and Philosophies. Oct 01, 2023

Home Education, known as Home Schooling in the US, has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity over the past few years. As parents we are seeking alternative approaches to institutional schooling, and various home education methods have emerged to cater to diverse learning styles and...

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Addressing the myths of Home Education. Sep 16, 2023

Home education seems to be shrouded in myth and legend, so let's separate fact from fiction and debunk the most common ones that come up all the time.

Myth #1: Home Educated children lack socialisation.

Okay, let's set the record straight right away. One of the most common myths is that home...

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Unschooling = The Ultimate Trust Sep 02, 2023

When those of us who were conventionally or institutionally schooled consider what education is, we tend to see it in a fairly black and white way. A person listens raptly to their teacher, a wiser - older - person, takes on board their knowledge and jots down notes, memorises it to pass exams...

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